‘Moksha’ is possible by De-photosynthesis
It is through photosynthesis that light does its magical trick. The magic of transformation of matter- carbon dioxide and water into life; the magic of […]
It is through photosynthesis that light does its magical trick. The magic of transformation of matter- carbon dioxide and water into life; the magic of […]
Lichens fascinate biologists and botanists alike. They are complex life forms arising out of fungus and algae and there are myriad variants, based on the […]
Wetlands, islands and tropical and subtropical humid forests are key areas. Wetlands are even more important than forests per hectare, both for climate change mitigation […]
With ‘travel’ and ‘wanderlust’ being some of 2019’s most used words on an Indian dating app, it is safe to say that millennials are smitten […]
Scientists have ‘puppeteered’ the movements of a jellyfish and made it even faster than the real thing. Taking artificial control with a microelectronic implant, researchers […]
The main factors driving the continuous environmental degradation we are seeing, has two large categories, both emerging in the post-WWII world — the transformation of […]
Forests are part of humanity’s life support systems- they absorb green house gases, stop soil erosion and limit harmful zoonotic diseases. Forest house 80% of […]
Today, the ecological footprint of an architectural design is almost too complex to calculate. “How much does your house weigh?” The question should be asked […]
At a time when people are grappling with the problem of pollution and waste, sustainability can no longer be just an idea. The good thing […]
Mankind’s greatest achievements have risen through our ability to mimic nature. There is a reason why nature is the biggest service provider to the human […]
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