Drinking Water from Thin Air

What if you could grow water, like plants? It would be available whenever you wanted it, you would exactly where it came from, and it could possibly confirm the existence of magic in this world. Atmospheric generators may not sound revolutionary or magical, but they do make water out of thin air.

These machines run of electricity. They suck in the moisture from the humidity in the air, the coils inside it condense the moisture to make water droplets, and after a filtration process- voila, you have fresh and clean water at your disposal.

These machines give you a completely independent source of water that doesn’t require any other forms of distribution. They perform best when it is hot and humid. It runs at its optimum level when the weather is above 30 degrees and the humidity is around 85-90%. It’s like solar power in that sense- it works best in places with more sunlight.

Another possible concern could be about pollutants. If our air is polluted, and the water is made from it, companies claim to have inbuilt infiltration systems. Additionally, after the water is collected, it goes through a five step filtration process, including sediment, pre-carbon, post-carbon, re-mineralization and UV filtration.

When cooking food or making tea with this water, the flavour is better.

These machines are the future, but desalination of water is very expensive and power intensive. RO water involves so much wastage and sucks up minerals. If we convert 0.1% of the humidity in the atmosphere, it’s enough drinking water for all of us.

They range in 25 to 5000 L for household and school or institution etc. These machines don’t come cheap- a 25-30 L generator costs between Rs. 45000 to 70000 and 1000 L machine costs 10 Lakhs Rs.

Matter referenced:

Ketaki Desai, Times of India, Ahmedabad, Wednesday, 3rd July, 2019.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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