Game Playing: Environment Saving

In old times, children play outdoor games, the best way for their growth. Now-a-days…… you all know, this activity is replaced by e-generation. Kids’ physical activities are diminishing …. fading away. It is replaced by the new toys in the market….. yes, mobiles, tabloids, laptops, desktops. Online and offline games, social networking are the new games for today’s children. Parents also feel proud that their kids are learning new technologies before they start walking. Even they are becoming habitual ….. no… addicted of it. Like brushing, toileting, eating, sleeping this activity is taking its place as a ‘involuntary‘ routine. Without this, the day does not start as well as not ends.

What should we do?

  1. Societies, colonies should organize outdoor games or competitions for their own kids.
  2. If whoever wins, prizes can be plants either foliage, flowering, indoor plants or trees’ saplings.
  3. There can be an oath ceremony for the winners that whatever plant is given to them should get well care.
  4. Competitions of forest walk, mountaineering can be organized under supervision of experts in that particular field.
  5. Parents should also take part as a partner in duo-competitions.
  6. Schools can organize these types of competitions also. Plantations and then their aftercare should be included as students’ must (compulsory) activity either under NSS or SUPW activities.
  7. If these kinds of activities or competitions are being organized at district or regional level, there should be condition to reach at the location by community vehicles for farer candidates or by walk for nearer ones. This way lesser vehicles will be used, resulting into less fuel usage, ultimately reduction in pollution.
  8. Regulation of “NO PARKING ZONE” or “MOBILE PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED” should be activated there at that time.
  9. Week days can be made as different days like birds’ day, pets’ day, wild animal day, water day, plants’ day, soil day, gardening day and so on…..
  10. Quizzes/ poster/ drawing/ cartooning/ slogan writing / poem  writing/ essay writing competitions can be organized on the similar topics.
  11. Rallies or short transact walks could also be the part of list.
  12. Even Cycle rallies or race can be planned for citizens at nearby country side.
  13. Medicinal plants can be gifted door-to-door. Simultaneously, the in what conditions and ways that can be used, could be told.
  14. Kitchen gardening, terrace or balcony gardening competitions are the best way to generate love for environment amongst family members of all generas. Family will be more healthy, self sufficient and there will be more saving at the end.
  15. Plan vacations and small holiday visits on those sites which are full of natural resources like your ancestral village, forest side, natural parks, biological parks, and like wise.

All these things can be incorporated at a slower pace. Elders should follow this path in the family and should make such activities as family traditions. Seeing elders children automatically follow the same. Parents can assign their children small tasks whatever they do. Afterwards, in absence of the parents kids do, on a routine basis. People, kids start themselves keeping apart from those e-toys and indulge in these environment friendly activities and will definitely be in love afterwards for longer period. It will add responsibility, care and emotions in the person’s character

– Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

(Please post your valuable suggestions also in comment box)


About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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