Green Road-sides and Mid-ways

It is very necessary to curb pollution from the pollution origin site. Major pollution is created through vehicular emissions. Hence, it becomes essential to grow greenery and make it lush for absorbing the same.

I read two articles, going through and through and found it to be shared. If you find it useful, please comment and share the same with those who are involved in policy making. However, this is an old concept. Highways are getting greener day by day, but not all. And maintenance is also a part of this.



If you are going to roam or travel and passing through highways. Keep collecting seeds of fruits and vegetables and throw them at the time of travel on roadsides. Don’t throw other harmful wastes, but make a habit of seed throwing. From seeds, when rains happen in monsoon, plants germinate and grow. It will further, enhance the beauty of roads and make your and other’s travel fun.


About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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