Green Spaces help reduce Mental Illness

There’s something about forests. They never lose their appeal. The clean-smelling air, towering trees, fluttering leaves, and sounds of small animals communicating among themselves – being immersed in all of this, even for short periods of time, can be incredibly soothing and rejuvenating.

Growing up near green space can reduce one’s risk of mental illness by up to 55 percent. Published in the journal PNAS last week, it’s said to be “the largest investigation of the association between green spaces and mental health.” Living close to green space reduced risk of mental disorders anywhere between 15 and 55 percent, depending on the type of illness. Intellectual disabilities and schizoaffective disorders were not affected in any way, but alcoholism, for example, was strongly associated with lack of access to green space in childhood.

Green space seemed to have an association that was similar in strength to other known influences on mental health, like history of mental health disorders in the family, or socioeconomic status. What’s more, the effect of green space was ‘dosage dependent’ — the more of one’s childhood spent close to greenery, the lower the risk of mental health problems in adulthood.”

The big question remains: Why do green spaces have this profound an effect on mental wellbeing? Perhaps it’s a deep evolutionary connection that remains after all these years, a hunger to spend time in an ancient space that was once our natural home. Or maybe it’s the closer social interactions, the cleaner and quieter air, the exercise, the relaxation, the exposure to microbes in dirt, all of which occurs when we’re in forests and boosts health.

Nevertheless, it’s a fascinating and one that should motivate more of us to spend time outside, get our kids out there, and maybe even consider relocating to a more rural home.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 290 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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