New Age Tech for Saving Water

There are several new age technologies and engineering solutions, which are helping in saving water with unprecedented water scarcity.

  1. Pipe nozzle fitting called Aerators (Eco365), once found only in green buildings, are now common in large communities.while an average tap releases around 12-15 litres of water per minute, Eco365’s aerators cut this to 3 litres, by reducing pressure of water flow. This can be installed in kitchen sinks and wash basins and almost 55% of water can be saved. With increased awareness saving water can be possible.
  2. An innovative upgrade to taps called QuaMists or EcoMist (by Earth Fokus), is another fixture, can be fitted in restrooms and cafeterias across the world. These nozzles also reduce water flow to a mist by atomizing the water into fine droplets, bringing down the water consumption by 80% and preventing wastage.
  3. GreenEnvironment’s sensors (a software) track water levels in tanks and send an alert when the level flow is below 30%, thus helping the place an order for the next lot. This tool also analyses working of treatment plants and provides alerts on abnormal results. It is a complete water management solution helping users achieve a clear 30% savings in water footprint and improve water recycling.
  4. IoT powered Smart water meters (by WeGot Utility & SmartHomes) are helping wastage due to accidental leakages and negligence in households. It also tells users pay for the water they use.

Matter referenced:

Sindhu Hariharan, Times of India, Ahmedabad, Saturday, 13th July, 2019.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat


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