As the season of firecrackers and loudspeakers rolls in, here is Fresh evidence from WHO about the harmful effects of noise pollution. In a survey it released recently, WHO identified 5 broad sources of noise pollution.

India introduced its Noise Pollution Rules in 2000, but the WHO guidelines are based on newer research. A comparison shows India’s permissible thresholds are much higher.

How Noise Pollution is Classified?

WHO identifies five sources:

  1. Road traffic
  2. Railways
  3. Aircraft
  4. Wind turbines
  5. Leisure

India frames noise pollution rules for zones:

  1. Industrial
  2. Commercial
  3. Residential
  4. Silent

Road Traffic:

WHO Guidelines:

  1. Day time limit: 53 dB
  2. Night time limit: 45 dB *

* Noise higher than this level affects sleep.

India has a higher threshold:

  1. Motorbikes, scooters and 3-wheelers: 80 dB
  2. Passenger cars and commercial vehicles: 82-85 dB
  3. Larger vehicles: 89-91 dB


WHO Guidelines:

  1. Day time limit: 54 dB
  2. Night time limit: 44 dB

India says people, especially in areas that have railway tracks, need protection from rail noise but there are no specifics.


WHO Guidelines:

  1. Day time limit: 54 dB
  2. Night time limit: 44 dB

India lays down safeguards, but does not cap safe decibel levels.

Wind turbine:

WHO Guidelines:

Limit: below 45 dB (no recommendation for night noise exposure)

India says people, especially in areas that have railway tracks, need protection from rail noise but there are no specifics.


WHO Guidelines:

WHO says yearly average of all leisure noise sources should be 70 dB

Indian Rules says:

  1. Loudspeakers cannot be used between 10 pm and 6 am, noise level should not exceed the standard for the zone by more than 11 dB.
  2. Firecrackers with noise of more than 90 dB at 5 m distance from the site of bursting are banned.

India’s Ceiling for Industrial or commercial areas is higher than WHO guidelines

Industrial area

  1. Day time limit: 75 dB
  2. Night time limit: 70 dB

Commercial area

  1. Day time limit: 65 dB
  2. Night time limit: 55 dB

Residential area

  1. Day time limit: 55 dB
  2. Night time limit: 45 dB

Silence zone

  1. Day time limit: 50 dB
  2. Night time limit: 40 dB

Effect on Health:

  • WHO says noise pollution causes sleep disturbance, hearing problems, heart disease and leads to poorer work performance.
  • Less than 30 dB noise in bedrooms at night for good quality sleep and less than  35 dB  in classrooms.


  • India can make rapid progress in cutting noise pollution if we start with our roads.
  • No honking campaigns are organizing by various NGOs or institutions.

Matter Referenced:  Times of India, Ahmedabad, Friday, 19th October, 2018.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 285 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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