Online Shopping: Poisoning the Breathing Air

We are all guilty of it- a quick click of a button and less than 24 hours later, the package reaches our door. May be it’s a last minute present, a book for your holiday or a new phone charger. Whatever the item, the ease, the speed and savings, as well as perks like free delivery, are encouraging us all to shop online like never before.

Environmental Impact: While the convenience is amazing and the savings beat the high street, there is a hidden environmental cost that does not show up often. The free deliveries not only adding to an increasing mountain of packaging waste, putting a burden on our recycling facilities, but single item deliveries are contributing to soaring levels of air pollution from cars, vans and ships.

Contributing to the Problem: A recent study conducted by environmental charity found that four out of five British citizens order items online atleast once a month, with one in four shopping online at least weekly, and 40 per cent getting deliveries to city centre workplaces, which creates more vehicles on the road. While 83 per cent of us are worried about the impact of pollution, half of the online shoppers admit they’ve never thought that they might be contributing to the problem.

Reduce the Impact: Giving up online shopping completely is unrealistic, but we can all be more mindful of the impact it has. Waiting until your basket is full or switching to a click-and-collect service (purchase items online and pick them up in store) to reduce the amount of town and city deliveries, can make a difference. That way we can reduce our exposure and help to deliver cleaner air for all.

Matter referenced:

Times of India, Ahmedabad, Sunday, 8th December, 2019.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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