Be Aware of Vedic Greenism
Ancient Indian traditions have always respected all elements of nature. The Yajurveda asserts that living beings are composed of panchabhutas, five elements- air, water, fire, […]
Ancient Indian traditions have always respected all elements of nature. The Yajurveda asserts that living beings are composed of panchabhutas, five elements- air, water, fire, […]
Children learn more about environmental issues and their impact on their lives. Attempt is required to enhance their understanding of energy efficiency, water conservation and […]
“There is no love sincerer than the love of Food.”- George B. Shaw We are what we eat. More than herbs, vitamins, enzymes, or mineral […]
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams- they have different names, but they all contain water. just as religions do- they all contain truth.- Muhammad Ali At […]
The life cycle in nature is an example of perfect inter-connectedness. If our planet, with its interdependent ecological systems, is to survive, we have to […]
Please read the below given article taken from newspaper. You will get to know that ‘What and How Govt. is doing to make our atmosphere […]
More smiling, less worrying, More compassion, less judgement; More blessed, less stressed; More love, less hate. (Roy T Bennet) The more one is involved in […]
The application of science does not mean we have conquered nature there is no way to conquer nature. Science only means that we have discovered […]
Giving local communities the opportunity to manage their forests has simultaneously reduced deforestation and poverty in the particular region. The community-forest management led to a […]
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