Plastic Free Life: Buyerarchy

‘Buyerarchy’ is a new term in trends, if followed one can make life free or with less plastic and with more healthy surroundings. Here are some guidelines to be followed where you can definitely manage the life, without plastic:

  • Milk and oil pouches could be replaced with glass bottles,
  • Bottles then can be taken back when purchasing a new one, with reduced determined MRP (for eg. consumer will get 15/- back if they come with empty bottle)
  • Shopkeepers can return those bottles to the manufacturer, to lessen the raw material cost.
  • Avoid buying items packaged in plastic.
  • Use cloth shopping bags.
  • Skip bottled water. Carry a reusable cans/ glass bottles.
  • Think of new uses for old items rather than discarding them or buying new ones.
  • Bring a reusable mug when you order coffee/tea.
  • Say No to straw.
  • Wear clothing made from natural (not synthetic) materials.
  • Avoid disposable tableware, or use the compostable kind.
  • Don’t just discard electronics. Aim to repair or upgrade your devices instead of buying new ones. Sell gadgets and computer parts, or find a facility where you can turn them in for recycling.
  • Bring your own container for takeout and leftovers. When ordering takeout or bringing home leftovers, ask if you can get the food in your own reusable container.
  • Instead of keeping containers of ice cream in the freezer, enjoy the occasional ice cream cone while out.
  • Shop from local farmers market.
  • Check label for those products which may contain plastic or microplastics.
  • Use bar soap instead of liquid. The bottles of liquid soaps can be avoided by this way.
  • Carry lunch or food in stainless steel containers/ tiffin.
  • Choose metallic ice tray.
  • Repair things and reuse rather than discarding.
  • Avoid plastic bodied pens for writing.
  • Compost food waste.
  • Choose cloth or mud toys instead of plastic ones. Games or sports things.
  • Use or replace plastic with steel/ metallic or glass/ ceramic clay crockery or utensils in kitchen,
  • Use cloth hankerchief instead of  tissue paper.
  • Throw a zero-waste party.
  • Learn strategies for green-gift giving.
  • Learn to wrap gifts without plastic tape.
  • Order zero-plastic packaging products online or on-store.
  • Take care of things what you have.
  • Avoid decorating indoors with artificial greens. Instead use ornamental plants, wisely.
  • If you can’t avoid plastic in few products, then consider plastic quality, at least.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.






About Asnani Bhawana 288 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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