Pouch Disposal War

The Maharashtra government has decided to give milk producers to set up a recycling mechanism for empty pouches.Milk producers in the state had threatened to stop collecting milk from farmers and packaging it in plastic pouches, citing their inability to prepare an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) plan under the plastic ban in Maharashtra. The EPR plan modalities of a waste collection system needs to be submitted to the government for approval. But dairies have expressed inability to implement an EPR.

Government is suggesting a buy-back mechanism wherein consumers be charged a 50 paisa deposit, which will be refunded to them when they return empty pouches because all pouches end up in dustbin only. On the contrary, dairies are saying that the buy back mechanism is impractical as dairies do not have the financial wherewithal and manpower. Only 2-3 percent milk packets end up in dustbin and 97 percent is recycled.

Further, a consumer, a common man has the right to get a healthy environment. This right is only be fulfilled with their own responsibility. Public should surely be involved for their own welfare. They have to consume in that way only that does not cause any harm to the environment. If we can’t live in the filth, we should not create filth. The government has proposed a good strategy, like wise if dairies don’t have manpower, they should create vacancy, thus may reduce unemployment.

Like bill submitting counters/booths are given to several shopkeepers by the electricity board, similarly same thing can be arranged for collecting milk pouches. Even those shopkeepers who sell milk and products, could initiate themselves to collect and handover the pouches to the factory. In return, both shopkeepers as well as consumers should not expect any gains. Further, creativity can be used and entrepreneurial idea can be generated as well. It will also be helpful in employment generation at small level.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 285 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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