Self Sufficient Living

Simplicity is the main funda of this type of housing. As the name indicates that these houses are this much of capable to keep their inmates satisfied. The focus is on below given points:

  1. Simple architecture. The floor plan is simple but spacious. No changes made on plot area, like cutting of rock/mountain, trees.
  2. Merged into nature.
  3. Suburban or countryside location.
  4. Perfect Orientation of the building for proper light, air entry into the house.
  5. Local material use for construction.
  6. Harvesting of rain water and accordingly utilization.
  7. Solar system installed in house.
  8. Reuse of grey water.
  9. Growing own food.
  10. Landscaping with roof garden, hanging garden, balcony garden, window sill growing, indoor plants.
  11. Hard wearing materials and raw finishes combine to create a resilient, no-fuss retreat.
  12. Not much gadgets used. No wi-fi or networks. Relaxing in nature.
  13. Waste management. No plastic use. Biodegradable and food waste is used to generate fuel and electricity (may be through biogas). Manure can be made and used to maintain greenery.

By- Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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