Tax Rebate for Housing Societies that Process Waste & Water

The BMC commisioner has cleared a proposal to give 15% rebate on property tax to housing societies for segregating and processing wet waste on premises, disposing dry waste through recyclers and using harvested rain water. The move comes after BMC’s attempt to penalise and prosecute bulk generators that don’t segregate waste yielded only 50% success. The proposal will be soon tabled before the BMC standing committee for approval. It has three components:

  1. 5% rebate for segregating and composting wet waste;
  2. 5% for recycling dry waste through recycler; and
  3. 5% for using rain water or recycled grey water (waste water from sinks, showers, washing machines).

At present, the rebate will only be for housing societies, not commercial complexes. Societies just following one process will get 5% rebate and those meeting all three criteria will get 15% rebate. Societies can compost wet waste on their premises and even get value by selling the product to gardens. Dry waste like plastic bottles and paper can be sold to recycling companies. All these reduces the cost to the civic authority of collecting and transporting waste. Reuse of waste water for toilet flushing reduces consumption of treated clean water and reduces BMC environmental footprint on earth.

Matter referenced:

Vijay Singh, Times of India, Ahmedabad, Monday, 19th August, 2019.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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