The Core of Karma- Photosynthesis

Ecological and spiritual integrity are the same phenomena of life. Water is the most important factor to strike ecological integrity of the biosphere. Water productivity in agriculture, food and nutrition security is governed by the eays we manage our agriculture and settlements. Vegetation of the eco-systems play a crucial role in global water cycle. Since most of the ecosystems now cease to be natural due to human intervention, the global cycle is being influenced by anthropogenic factors.

Photosysnthesis, through which solar energy is fixed into living (biochemical), energy, feeds to biosphere and by which water becomes an integral part of living organisms. Photosynthesis creates a living dimension of global pathway of water dynamism. It also determines patterns of global climate, making it benevolent for the biosphere and helps achieve ecological integrity.

Photosynthesis itself, however is largely governed by anthropogenic factors, for most terrestrial ecosystems- to be inhabitated by photosynthesising organisms like chlorophyll- containing vegetation, algae and blu-green algae- are managed on significant scale by human beings

An ecologically sound management of Earth’s ecosystems that leads to enhancement in photosythesis to its maximum efficiency would be phenomenal in increasing water productivity. Sustainable development, emerges from ecological integrity that optimises ecosystem functions, maintains ecological equilibrium, combats entropy and ensures constant flows of the ecosystem products of socio-economic significance, including water, foods and raw material of materialistic values.

We can restore ecological regenration. Afforestation, reforestation, forest protection and forest augmentation are spiritual karma. All human activities must essentially lead to fortification of photosynthesis- the phenomenon of life, which also lead to increased water productuvuty. Thus, photosynthesis is the core of our karma. Terrestrial ecosystems stocked with climax vegetation and vibrant with photosynthesis at maximum efficiency will serve as a cornucopia of ecological, spiritual and socio-economic development of our societies.

Matter Referenced:  Times of India, Ahmedabad, Monday, 18th June, 2018.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 289 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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