The Sun Daze: Health benefits

Mankind’s greatest achievements have risen through our ability to mimic nature. There is a reason why nature is the biggest service provider to the human race; nature has it all. “The adoption of renewable energy is quite fast, especially in case of the solar power industry. Whether I talk about the industrial sector or residential, people are adopting solar because every large scale industry has a mandate for RE 100 (100 per cent renewable energy). If you see the different projects in terms of viability, the ones which stick to using various renewable sources of energy are quite viable. With the aim to have a greener and more sustainable future, industries are pushing further for different initiatives that the industrial sector is taking right now. Hence, the consumers are getting aware about the benefits of renewable energy, not only financially but also in terms of societal profits,” shares Manan Thakkar, director and co-founder, Prozeal Infra Engineering Private Limited. There are so many variables under which a course correction can be attempted by mankind, shifting away from the doom and gloom of a dystopian future. Solar energy is a field of renewable energy with extreme, untapped potential. However, there are a few brains working round the clock, to perfect our understanding of nature’s giant, thermo-nuclear ball of energy. Manish Bagadia, managing director, Grace Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd., says, “The cost of solar power is only around ₹2 and this is going to further augment the demand of electricity in future. So, solar power and renewable energy will contribute in a huge way with the government’s support. Currently, the government is providing subsidy only to the residential sector, that too in very limited quantity. The moment it starts supporting for the industrial sector, it’ll be a great achievement for a greener future.”


Ever seen a sunflower doing its thing? The flower adjusts itself to the photo-sensitivity of the sun, absorbing, excess sunlight than neighbouring roses or lilies. Engineers have mimicked this natural convulsion and contouring movement of the sunflower and have come up with solar poles that have folding panels that un-fan like a Chinese hand fan during the day and move in accordance with sunlight. A central ball and socket joint help the panels to pivot. Since the panels eventually fold back into its original form, a pole thus makes the set-up extremely beneficial to those that have limitations of space.


Though this may sound insane, a Canadian couple came out with the first-ever conceptual design for solar roads. Hexagonal interlocking solar panels that twist and clip onto the neighbouring panel to create an intricate design fitting any rectangular or square surface. The concept of rooftop solar projects is now outdated and if incorporated correctly, the hexagonal panels, shaped like honeycombs, can be customized tuned to not only absorb sunlight but to also light up the roads during night. The concept of solar roads comes from the basic idea that roads are by far the least occupied spaces, especially on highways. The flat surface and constant exposure to sunlight at places without green cover, makes this science fiction project, duly achievable.


An initiative that is quite visible throughout India is the solar rooftop project. All urban cities are slowly converting the rooftops of un-used public and commercial buildings to host fabricated structures of steel that can house regular solar panels. Slowly increasing the spaces covered, a new strategy to cover bridges and tunnel tops that receive sunlight has been incorporated rightly so. Any flat or semi-indented surface that can house, flat panels can be used for solar energy generation.

The fight for survival against nature, is a war, common to all living beings on planet Earth. While polar bears and orca whales don’t have the ability to reason and use their intellect, we do, and the time has come for us to adapt to greener options, lest we want someone from the future to excavate our cities, like we found dinosaurs. Now is the time, the time is now.

Health Benefits:

Switching over to renewable sources of energy can have a positive effect on health too.

A green surrounding is the need of the hour and with everything that’s being made or done keeping in mind the ‘eco-friendly’ factor, we are not lagging behind. Every day, Gujarat is making a mark with encouraging the use of various sources of renewable energy from solar to wind and hydro. In fact, experts say that renewable energy is one of the most powerful tools we have to fight the current climate change scenario. How does it affect the health though, you may ask!

Fossil fuels impact human existence and well-being to a great extent, we all know how the petroleum jelly is useful to the body but petrol comes with a different caution sign; toxic to the lungs. The occurrence of cardiopulmonary diseases and cancers increase in highly dense areas because of excessive burning of fossil fuels for automotive purposes. A reduction in usage is the only way out.

Water too is a finite resource and extremely crucial to human survival. Maximum renewable energy is generated from wind and solar energy sources and both do not require water reducing the usage of potable and salt free water. This added availability of potable water is a boon to the agriculture sector and may even aid domestic purposes, including availability for drinking water.

Researchers have claimed that a healthier environment is a result of the usage of renewable sources of energy. By building wind and solar farms, a lot can be done to improve the health conditions of mankind. Researches have also shown that lack of renewable energy increases the risk of annoying allergies, heat-related health disorders, and a general increase in fatigue level. Cities like Beijing and Delhi where pollution is a direct descendant of excessive use of fossil fuels, people are suffering an increase in the mortality rate.

There are a lot of evidences that show how an unclean environment can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Adopting green alternatives should not just be left as a sector for the Government to explore, a green lifestyle comes with its fair share of individualized diligence and responsibility. Health is surely a benefactor of a clean and green surrounding, dependent on renewable energy.

Matter referenced:

Times of India, Ahmedabad, Wednesday, 12th February, 2020.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 286 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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