Sustainable practices which can be adopted by the farm women to prevent health hazards and environment

Following are the general sustainable practices which can be adopted by the farm women to prevent health hazards and environment:
➢ Use of improved chulha/ smokeless chulha or clean fuel to avoid indoor air pollution to prevent respiratory lung diseases.
➢ Well ventilated rural kitchen will reduce indoor air pollution.
➢ Use of Ecofarming / Organic farming/ Ecofriendly technologies.
➢ Using degradable fertilizer like organic phosphate.
➢ Using biological control methods.
➢ Crop rotation with leguminous crop to increase fertility of soil.
➢ Addition of crop residues, animal manures. Green manuring, biofertilizer and biopesticides.
➢ On farming waste recycling.
➢ Non-chemical weed management.
➢ Integrated nutrient management for soil fertility and crop productivity.
➢ Adopt soil solarization method for killing pests.
➢ Problematic pesticides and herbicides should be banned.
➢ Cultivation of women’s knowledge is traditional alternative farming should be acknowledged.
➢ Govt. should have adequate legislation regarding use of chemicals in farming.
➢ Planting more trees and preserve forest to provide good CO2 sink which will reduce global warming.
➢ Phase out CFCs to protect ozone layer.
➢ Use of occupational clothing while working in agricultural field.
➢ Special trainings should be given to women to protect herself from hazardous situations while using the chemicals in the field.

Matter Courtesy: Dr. Ritu Singhvi, Professor, Dept. Of Family Resource Management, College of Home Science, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

About Asnani Bhawana 286 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat


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