
Pouch Disposal War

December 17, 2018 Asnani Bhawana 3

The Maharashtra government has decided to give milk producers to set up a recycling mechanism for empty pouches.Milk producers in the state had threatened to […]


Noise reaching Habitats

December 3, 2018 Asnani Bhawana 1

Ambient noise pollution on Indian roads goes unbridled and it is perceptibly maddening. The WHO’s guidelines for noise quality recommend less than 30 A-weighted decibles […]


Green Diwali

November 1, 2018 Asnani Bhawana 3

The festival of Diwali spells warmth and joy- large family gatherings, feasting on delicious food and sweets, colourful rangoli and bright fireworks that light up […]


No Horn Please

October 18, 2018 Asnani Bhawana 1489

To curb increasing noise pollution it is necessary to limit the decibel levels of all automotive horns. All Indian drivers of all automoted vehicles, are […]

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