Intelligence v/s Plants

A study is going on from the past two decades on ‘unappreciated underworld’. The main focus is on “mycorrhizae: the symbiotic unions of fungi and root long known to help plants absorb nutrients from soil.”

It has been shown in the study that how mycorrhizae-linked trees form networks, with individuals. Mother trees at the centre of communities that are in turn linked to one another, exchanging nutrients and water in a literally pulsing web that includes not only trees but all of a forest’s life.

Now we know more than Darwin did; we know that all plants, except for a small handful of families, are mycorrhizal. Plants do have intelligence. They have all the structures. Let’s say you have a group of plants and you stress one out, it will have a big response. Botanists can measure their serotonin responses. The have serotonin. They also have glutamate, which is our own neurotransmitters. If we clip their leaves or put a bunch of bugs on them, all that neurochemistry changes. They start sending messages really fast to their neighbours.

Matter referenced from:

  1. The Speaking Tree, Times of India Publications; Ahmedabad Ed.November 10th, 2019, pp.01- ‘Plants are Intelligent’ by Brandon Keim.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 286 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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