Travel Trends for Sustainability

With ‘travel’ and ‘wanderlust’ being some of 2019’s most used words on an Indian dating app, it is safe to say that millennials are smitten by the travel bug. However, with rising environmental awareness, people’s travel patterns are also evolving. Moving ahead from the 2019 trends of Insta-worthy travel experiences and multigenerational trips, here’s a look at some tourism trends that are touted to become the norm in 2020.


Last year saw a lot of popular tourist destinations like Iceland, Santorini and Everest requesting tourists to not overcrowd them and spare the natural environment of the place. Emerging as an antidote to the harmful environmental impacts caused by this overcrowding, undertourism seems to be the perfect solution. This travel trend underlines the practice of people consciously traveling to lesser-known cities. These have less tourists and are also similar to other famous tourist destinations. The port city of Trieste in Italy is fast replacing the crowded Venice and the Incan site of Kuelap is drawing some of the crowd that Machu Pichu usually sees. Similarly, Kep, Guimaraes and Brussels are some places which can easily be considered as some under-tourism destinations.


Spartan travel is about giving up all the frills of traditional travel, including regular gadgets, in exchange for a simpler way of life. Even the accommodations availed on such trips are minimal. Bringing along as few belongings as possible is encouraged. The aim is not only to declutter, but also to travel more sustainably. Staying in eco-huts and choosing JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) are a part of these trips.


While the concept of veganism isn’t a new one, it was in 2019 that veganism started making its way into the mainstream. From consuming local vegan diets to putting up at vegan friendly hotels (which use absolutely no animal products), many people are embracing the idea of a vacation experience, which is fully animal cruelty-free. Data from a travel e-commerce site suggests that 70% travelers would be more likely to book a place if it has green credentials.


Most travel companies predict that 2020 will witness a considerable percentage of travelers opting for slower modes of transport to reduce their environmental impact. Types of transport that play into our desire to take the pace down a notch will also come into their own — from peddle bikes and trams to sleds and boats and of course, our own two feet.


What used to be just a travelling concept with few takers previously, is predicted to become a preferred traveling trend this year. This agriculturally based activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch and helps them have a DIY experience, not only aims at promoting environmental friendly tourism, but also helps local farmers grow their business.

Several facts:

  • 55% of global travelers report being more determined to make sustainable travel choices than they were a year ago.
  • 70% of global travelers say they would be more likely to book an accommodation knowing it was eco-friendly, whether they were looking for a sustainable stay or not.
  • 73% of global travelers intend to stay at least once in an eco-friendly or green accommodation when looking at the year ahead.
  • Eco-conscious travelers are keen to join beach clean-up drives.
  • Travelers are opting for slower modes of transport to reduce their environmental impact.

Matter referenced:

Times of India, Mumbai, Monday, 26th January, 2020.

By: Dr. Bhawana Asnani.

Happy to see Reviews, Additions, Suggestions and Comments, further.

About Asnani Bhawana 286 Articles
Assistant Professor, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat

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